Serving Christ, Community, and Families!
FFC serves 99 Iowa Counties
FFC serves all ages! FFC accepts all Iowa Medicaid Waivers and Private Pay.
FFC cares for Children, Veteran's, Seniors, Physically disabled, handicapped, anyone in need of care.
FFC builds and remodels decks, bathrooms, doorways, flooring, any home modification.
FFC lawn service mows, edges, weed eats, mulching, gutter cleaning, and chore services.
Faith & Family Care INC ® 1016 West 1st STSumner,IA 50674
Ecclesiastes 9:10 “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might, for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going.“
FFC is Contracted with all Managed Care Organizations in Iowa!
FFC accepts Amerihealth!
FFC accepts Amerigroup!
FFC accepts United Health Care!
FFC needs Individual CDAC Providers in 99 Iowa counties!
Call now! 855.970.6296 Ext. 6
Did You Know!
Patients can switch to a different managed care organization at any time and for any reason between now and May 17, 2016. After that date, patients can still switch for good cause (such as their provider not signed up with the MCO).